Weight gain injections for women

Weight loss in women

The amount of body fat can be measured by means of Body Mass Index BMI, where height, weight and age are used to determine whether the weight is within the normal range, and in general if the BMI is less than 18.5 then the weight is considered less It is natural, and a group of symptoms indicate that the weight is less than normal, including: constant fatigue and low energy, exposure to disease more than normal, prolonged illness, and irregularity Or missed periods, hair loss , dry skin, weak teeth.

Risks of Weight Loss

Severe weight loss can cause several risks, including: anemia and vitamin deficiencies, osteoporosis, reduced body immunity, fertility problems resulting from irregular menstruation, exposure to greater risk when undergoing surgery, and problems with growth and development, especially in children and adolescents.

Safe Ways to Gain Weight

There are several ways to gain weight in a safe and easy way by organizing meals and daily habits without resorting to methods or injections of weight gain for women that may cause side effects and dangerous effects, and among these methods that can be followed:

  • Eat more meals during the day. Some people feel full quickly when eating one meal, so it is recommended to eat five to six meals a day.
  • Eat nutritious foods, such as bread and pasta , whole grains , vegetables and fruits, dairy products, lean meats and nuts.
  • Stay away from low-calorie drinks such as diet cola and coffee, and focus on high-calorie drinks such as milkshakes and fresh fruits.
  • Pay attention to the time of drinking fluids. Drinking fluids before a meal will reduce appetite, so it is preferable to drink liquids with a meal or half an hour after a meal.
  • Pay attention to the quality of snacks. Food with high nutritional value must be eaten between meals, such as nuts, peanut butter, dried fruits and avocados, with the need to eat a meal before bed.
  • Make sure to add extra ingredients to meals that increase calories , such as adding cheese to fried eggs or adding skimmed milk to soups.
  • Beware of excessive sugar and fats, because even when trying to gain weight, focus on nutritional foods, not just calories, and you should stay away from foods high in sugar or fat and devoid of nutritional value.
  • Exercise. Exercising increases muscle mass and increases appetite.

Weight gain injection for women

Many women are looking for weight gain injections for women, because they believe that it may give faster and better results, but in fact the correct way is to change the diet and exercise, and the following is a detail about weight gain injections for women:

  • Vitamin B complex injection : As it is said that this injection is one of the weight gain injections for women, but in fact the injection of these vitamins helps burn fat and prevent its accumulation in the body , And could have a role in reducing weight gain.
  • Cortisone injection: One of the common side effects of cortisone is weight gain and therefore it is traded as a weight gain injection for women, as cortisone works to increase weight by opening the appetite, locking fluids inside the body, and changing storage places Body fat, but it is not permissible at all to use cortisone injections to gain weight, because it causes many dangerous side effects, and weight gain is temporary while using cortisone and ends with stopping the drug or after a period of stopping it depending on the dose and the duration of the cortisone intake. < a>
  • Injections of nandrolone decanoate: They are steroidal compounds, which are a derivative of manufactured testosterone. Other side effects, but one of the most important things that must be mentioned is that they cause a coarser voice and increase the growth of body hair, meaning that they enhance male physical characteristics if used by women. A study has shown that These injections had no effect on weight gain or appetite when used at a reduced dose of 50 mg for three months.

References [+]

  1. "Safe Ways to Gain Weight", www.webmd.com, Retrieved 16-08-2019. Edited.
  2. ^ أ ب "6 Health Risks of Being Underweight", www.healthline.com, Retrieved 16-08-2019. Edited.
  3. "What's a good way to gain weight if you're underweight?", www.mayoclinic.org, Retrieved 16-08-2019. Edited.
  4. "Vitamin B Complex and Weight Gain", www.livestrong.com, Retrieved 16-08-2019. Edited.
  5. "Corticosteroids and Weight Gain: What You Need to Know", www.healthline.com, Retrieved 16-08-2019. Edited
  6. "Nandrolone", www.drugs.com, Retrieved 16-08-2019. Edited.
  7. "The use of an anabolic steroid (nandrolone decanoate) to improve nutritional status after esophageal resection for carcinoma.", www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Edited.
