Suhoor Dieting and a list of the best options

Healthy Ramadan

The blessed month of Ramadan represents the ninth month of the Hijri calendar. Muslims in all parts of the world of various countries and nationalities are committed to fasting, and its fasting is defined idiomatically as abstaining from food and drink from dawn to sunset, and Ramadan is distinguished from other days of the year in its pattern The different diet, as one fasts for long hours during the day and meals are limited to two main ones: Suhoor and Iftar, which causes long deprivation of energy and fluids that help the body to perform its vital functions and daily activities. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to some nutritional instructions, which summarize by drinking adequate quantities of fluids and breaking the fast with dates and foods rich in fluids And foods that provide the body with the necessary nutrients, adhere to the suhoor meal, and choose foods that will help in the ability to fast.

Suhoor Dieting and a list of the best options

Many people who suffer from obesity find in the month of Ramadan an opportunity to get rid of excess weight, as the month of Ramadan is a real opportunity to adopt healthy eating habits and to get rid of negative habits that hinder weight loss, and one of the most important things that help to achieve this goal It is to stick to the suhoor meal, and to make sure that it contains sources of complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber , and below is a list of the most important of these foods.


Whole Grain

Whole grains are a good example of complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber sources. Their regular consumption enhances my feelings of satiety and fullness and supports the digestive system. One of the most important examples is oats, which can be prepared with water or milk with the addition of fruits, nuts and seeds to it. Examples are brown bread, which is best eaten with foods with a low salt content and high fluid content.

Protein Sources

which includes eggs, tuna, cheeses and dairy. These foods can be used to be part of a healthy suhoor meal that aims to lose weight. Eggs, for example, are characterized by their large number of necessary nutrients in exchange for a small caloric content, while tuna is characterized by its low content Of fat, especially if it is preserved with water instead of oil, as for cheeses, they are known for their high content of calcium, which supports the burning of fats in the body, and the consumption of Quraish cheese specifically has a good effect on body weight, as it enhances my feelings of satiety and fullness For long hours of the day, In this respect, we should not neglect to talk about the importance of consuming milk during the suhoor meal, as it is in addition to containing the most important nutrients, which include protein, calcium and iodine. It is a rich source of essential fluids for the fasting body.

Vegetables and Fruits

Fruits and vegetables are distinguished from other food groups by their low calorie content and very high water content, as well as being a good source of dietary fiber.

References [+]

  1. ^ أ ب ت "A healthy Ramadan",, Retrieved 2020-06-15. Edited.
  2. "What to eat during Ramadan? Here is a complete meal plan",, Retrieved 2020-06-15. Edited.
  3. ^ أ ب "The 20 Most Weight-Loss-Friendly Foods on The Planet",, Retrieved 2020-06-15. Edited.
