Is there a difference in the need for nutrients in humans and animals?


They are compounds found in the foods eaten and constitute the main factor for life and public health. These nutrient compounds provide the body with energy and are the basic building blocks for the processes of construction, repair and growth that occur in the body and represent the materials needed to regulate the various chemical processes, consisting of six nutrients each of which has its sources As different as carbohydrates; Which are found in pasta, rice, grains, bread, potatoes and sugar, fats and are their main sources Oils, butter, margarine, nuts, seeds, meat and seafood, proteins; It is found in meat, dairy, legumes , nuts, seafood and eggs, vitamins and includes: Water Soluble B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Fat Soluble Vitamins Such As; A, D, E-, K, and from their sources; Fruits, whole grains, fiber, vegetables, milk and dairy products, minerals, including sodium, calcium, iron, iodine and magnesium, and are found in various food items consumed, and finally water, either through direct drinking or within the foods consumed as a major component in it.

Is there a difference in the need for nutrients in humans and animals?

The basic nutrients are compounds that the body cannot manufacture or that it cannot manufacture large quantities of them. According to the World Health Organization, the main source of these essential compounds is food and it is impossible to dispense with them as they are necessary for the health of the body and the prevention of diseases a>, But is there a difference in the need for it for humans and animals? This is what the following lines will explain:

The human need for nutrients

The nutrients are divided into two groups, the first is the macronutrients and the second are micronutrients. The large ones include proteins, carbohydrates and fats that supply the body with the area, while the small ones are represented by minerals and vitamins . But why does a person need them in points? The following:

  • Protein: Protein makes up 16% of body weight, and is the main building block for muscles and various body cells such as skin, hair and bones, as it promotes growth and health, as well as all hormones Antibodies are made of it.
  • Carbohydrates: They should make up about 45 to 65% of the total daily calories intakes. They are necessary for the health of the body and work to nourish various body systems such as the central nervous system and the brain. li>
  • Fats: According to the World Health Organization, the proportion of fat intake should be less than 30% of calories. Healthy fats are an important part of a healthy diet as they support the functions of the body Such as vitamin and mineral absorption, blood clotting, cell building and muscle movement
  • Vitamins: A person needs 13 essential vitamins to function as required, and each vitamin plays an important and different role in the body, but in general it is necessary to enhance the body's health, immunity, prevention of disease and enhance vision Healthy, healthy bones and skin.
  • Minerals: are essential for various functions of the body in addition to strengthening the building of bones and teeth, as well as regulating the metabolism process, maintaining blood pressure and enhancing the body's immunity.
  • Water: Water makes up about 62% of the body weight, and it is indispensable as it improves brain and mood functions and contributes to the expulsion of toxins from the body and the transfer of nutrients to cells and hydration Prevention of constipation

The animal's need for nutrients

The cereals suffer from health problems without proper nutrition that contains the basic nutrients that sometimes lead to death. Therefore, the nutrients are necessary for all animal systems, but what is the need for the baby from them specifically. This is what the following points will indicate:

  • Protein: is essential for healthy growth, reproduction, and restoration of strength and strength after hard work. Soybeans, cottonseed and flax meals include soybean meal.
  • Carbohydrates: are the main source of energy for the various activities that the animal performs, and from their sources; Corn, barley, forage and hay.
  • Fats: are a source of energy and important for dissolving some vitamins. Vegetable fats and oils inside the seeds.
  • Vitamins: are essential for body functions such as; Digestion , cell metabolism, growth, reproduction, tooth and bone formation, fight stress and infection. Their sources include feed, hay and grains.
  • Minerals: They are needed by the animal for the growth of bones, teeth and tissues and also help in the regulation of many chemical processes and muscle activities necessary for reproduction and tissue repair and are often added to feed
  • Water: It forms the basis of fluids in the animal's body and is essential for digestion, blood circulation, waste disposal and temperature regulation.

References [+]

  1. "Nutrients",, Retrieved 2020-06-20. Edited.
  2. ^ أ ب "6 Essential Nutrients and Why Your Body Needs Them",, Retrieved 2020-06-20. Edited.
  3. "Animal Nutrition and Digestion",, Retrieved 2020-06-21. Edited.
