Are there recommendations for my diet and lifestyle after a hemicolectomy?


Colectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the colon, which is also called the entire large intestine or parts of it, which is a long, tube-like organ at the end of the digestive system. This procedure is necessary for the prevention or treatment of diseases or problems Health that affects the colon, such as; Colon cancer, bleeding, intestinal obstruction, Crohn's disease , diverticulitis and ulcerative colitis, there are many different types of colectomy procedures and they include; Total colectomy, Partial colectomy, Proctocolectomy and Hemicolectomy, which involves resection of the right or left part of the colon, this surgery requires several procedures, the most important of which is reconnecting the remaining parts of the digestive system In order to allow waste to leave the body, it includes complications and health risks such as; Bleeding, clots, infection, injury to organs near the colon such as the bladder and small intestine.

Does the patient need to fast before performing a hemicolectomy

Before performing the surgery for the patient, the doctor will ask for some procedures and equipment from the patient several days before the surgery, in preparation for it, such as stopping taking some medications that increase the risk of complications during the surgery, and the doctor will also provide some instructions and directions such as; Taking antibiotics that suppress bacteria present in the colon in order to prevent infection, take a laxative solution that is mixed with water and drink it for a period of certain hours as directed by the doctor. To stop eating food, i.e. fasting, from several hours to a day determined by the doctor, and it should be noted that these procedures may be dispensed with in emergency cases because there is no time to prepare for them. >

Are there recommendations for my diet and lifestyle after colectomy?

After the surgery, it is difficult for the patient to return to his previous activities quickly and easily, as he may need several days to recover, and some cases may require a stay in the hospital for a period of one to two weeks, so it is necessary to provide some nutritional and lifestyle recommendations and directions that will Promoting a return to normal life and maintaining a healthy body after performing a hemicolectomy.

Initial nutritional recommendations after hemicolectomy

The patient is expected to stay in the hospital for several days or weeks, depending on the patient's state of health. The patient will be given intravenous fluids immediately after surgery to maintain body moisture, and then move to pure fluids for a period of 1 to 3 Days in addition to some painkillers, and if the surgery is of the open type, i.e. a complete colostomy, it may take a longer period specified by the doctor, then the transition to eating some solid foods that will be determined by the doctor as well, in addition to the person’s inability to practice daily life activities for a few weeks, and it is necessary Do not upload anything heavy for 6 weeks,

Nutritional recommendations for appropriate foods for hemicolectomy patients

The patient may not notice a change in the types of foods or diet he consumes often due to the lack of a change in the digestive process, but diarrhea or stomach cramps may occur, and for this the doctor may recommend drinking water and eating foods that reduce the risk of infections such as; Lean meat, nuts , vegetables and fruits except for citrus fruits and low-fat dairy, , and you should eat certain types of foods that contribute to controlling Bowel movement and reduce intestinal disorders and diarrhea. Examples include:

  • Banana.
  • Apple juice.
  • Cheese.
  • Foods or supplements rich in dietary fiber.
  • Oat or wheat flour.
  • Pasta.
  • Potato.
  • Light tea.
  • Yogurt.

Dietary recommendations for foods to be avoided for hemicolectomy patients

The patient should avoid eating certain foods that lead to the patient’s return to the hospital or increase the risk of infection or food poisoning, such as soft, unpasteurized cheeses, raw or undercooked meat and fish such as sushi, and fruits should be washed And vegetables well, It is very important to avoid eating added fats, drinking alcohol or caffeine, and avoiding foods with sharp or spicy flavors full of spices, in addition to that it is advised to avoid eating sugars Like cakes, chocolate sweets.

Dietary recommendations for foods that should be minimized for hemicolectomy patients

Some patients may find it difficult to digest some types of foods and therefore it is best to go to eat the easy-to-digest foods described earlier. It is also recommended to eat small meals every 3 hours to avoid overworking the digestive system with one large meal that may cause poor digestion or the occurrence of Constipation or diarrhea, and among the most important foods that a patient with a hemicolectomy must reduce:

  • Raw vegetables are difficult to digest; Like corn, mushrooms and onions.
  • Fizzy vegetables: broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, radish and asparagus.
  • some fruits; Like dried and citrus fruits or the skin and peel of fruits.
  • Dairy.
  • Fiber-rich foods; Like bread and wheat bran.
  • Legumes; Like lentils, peas and beans.
  • High-fat, fried foods.

Nutritional Recommendations for Drinking Fluids

You must keep drinking an adequate quantity of fluids for hemicolectomy patients in order to help the body digest food and get rid of waste products. It is not necessary for the fluids to be only water, as some juices can be drunk such as; Apple juice or cranberry juice, It is also recommended after drinking liquids for more than half a cup during a meal because drinking a large amount of it will push the food through the intestine Which leads to insufficient digestion and absorption of the nutrients consumed, and for this reason it is better to drink liquids between meals and at least an hour before or after a meal, in an amount of at least 8 cups of water a day, and it is also important to avoid drinking cold liquids. Too hot or high in sugar.

Life recommendations for exercising after a hemicolectomy

After performing the surgery in the hospital and before leaving the home, the medical team will help the patient to move around and walk a little to reduce the risk of blood clots or pneumonia and to stimulate the intestines to move, and this confirms the importance of exercising after surgery, and after leaving the hospital it is necessary to maintain movement, but in The first weeks of walking is recommended to increase the patient's endurance and avoid vigorous or strenuous activities

References [+]

  1. "Colectomy",, Retrieved 2020-05-25. Edited.
  2. "Colectomy",, Retrieved 2020-05-25.
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  4. "Hemicolectomy",, Retrieved 2020-05-25. Edited.
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  6. ^ أ ب ت "What to Eat After Colectomy Surgery ",, Retrieved 2020-05-25. Edited.
  7. "Nutrition Guidelines for People With Short Bowel Syndrome",, Retrieved 2020-05-25. Edited.
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