Are there recommendations for my diet and lifestyle after a laminectomy?


Laminectomy is a back surgery performed to create a void in the spine by removing the lamina in order to relieve pressure on nerves in that area. A normal condition in the elderly and when suffering from rheumatism, doctors resort to laminectomy surgery in the event of severe symptoms and failure of traditional treatments such as physical therapy, drugs and injections, and it is possible that pressure on nerves increases to a feeling of weakness and numbness in the extremities that impede standing or sitting normally, Also, pressure on nerves can lead to a loss of control over the excretion of urine or excreta, what are the dietary and lifestyle recommendations after a laminectomy? The answer is in the following lines:

Does the patient need to fast before performing a laminectomy?

Before performing a laminectomy, you must refrain from eating and drinking after midnight the night before the operation. The doctor also recommends in this case to stop smoking and not to take blood thinners such as aspirin , after the operation and during the recovery phase The patient may need someone to accompany him, as he may not be able to do his personal affairs by himself such as driving, carrying things and others.

Are there recommendations for my diet and lifestyle after a laminectomy?

After a laminectomy, the patient needs several weeks to recover, and after the operation, the patient may suffer from some stiffness and ulceration in the spine, and the inability to sit or stand in the same position for a long time, and therefore the patient may need to take pain relievers a> And undergo physiotherapy sessions, training to hold things, bend and twist in a way that does not cause pressure on the back, more recommendations for the diet and lifestyle of these patients as follows: p>

Dietary recommendations after laminectomy

Patients with laminectomy can eat a healthy, balanced diet without certain conditions, with an emphasis on consuming adequate amounts of water - unless the doctor recommends otherwise - but there are specific dietary recommendations in some cases, namely:

  • Nausea : If you experience nausea after a laminectomy, it is recommended to eat foods with a light flavor and low in fat such as; Boiled rice, grilled chicken, yogurt and white bread.
  • Constipation : constipation or difficulty passing stools after laminectomy is common, and it is advised to avoid constipation by eating a healthy, balanced diet and drinking water. Eat fiber in the form of supplements after consulting a doctor, and if constipation persists for several days in spite of that, laxatives can be taken after consulting a doctor.

Recommendations for my lifestyle after a laminectomy

It is necessary to exercise under the supervision of a physician or a physiotherapist after a laminectomy to restore back flexibility and strengthen its muscles, and the following lifestyle recommendations must be followed: < / p>

  • When feeling tired, take a break.
  • Adequate sleep.
  • Walking daily so that the distance increases every day from the day before it improves blood flow, prevents constipation and reduces muscle spasms after the operation.
  • Avoid carrying items that put more pressure on the back such as; Carry a baby or cat, shopping bags, or a large bag.
  • Avoid aerobic exercises that cause stress on the back such as; Bicycling , Jumping or Weight Lifting
  • Avoid driving a car during the recovery period - from 2 to 4 weeks - and after that it is forbidden to drive for more than half an hour at a time. It is possible to take a break when driving for long distances and walk on legs to stretch its muscles.

References [+]

  1. "Laminectomy",, Retrieved 2020-05-26. Edited.
  2. "Laminectomy",, Retrieved 2020-05-26. Edited.
  3. ^ أ ب ت " Lumbar Laminectomy: What to Expect at Home",, Retrieved 2020-05-26. Edited.
