Are there recommendations for my diet and lifestyle after ACL reconstruction?

Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is a surgical procedure in which the torn anterior cruciate ligament is replaced. The anterior cruciate ligament is one of the main ligaments in the knee, as this ligament may be injured during exercise, Which includes sudden stops and changes in direction, such as; Basketball, foot, downhill skiing, and gymnastics, before this surgical procedure the doctor gives physiotherapy exercises to the patient; To reduce pain and swelling, and in fact, ACL reconstruction is an external procedure that the patient can, upon completion of the procedure, return home on the same day, and general anesthesia is usually performed during the replacement of the damaged ligament with part of the tendon, this replacement tendon may be either From the knee of the same person or from a deceased donor, which makes the patient feel comfortable during that, and through this article, the question will be answered whether there are recommendations for my diet and lifestyle after rebuilding the cruciate link.

Are there recommendations for my diet and lifestyle after ACL reconstruction?

The question will be answered here about whether there are any recommendations for my diet and lifestyle after the ACL reconstruction, by highlighting the most important recommendations related to the healthy and balanced nutritional aspect, in addition to talking about the most important recommendations for my lifestyle after the ACL reconstruction. This ensures that the patient can recover healthily.

Dietary recommendations after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

The operation of anesthesia during ACL reconstruction surgery may increase the possibility of food contents entering the lungs; Therefore, the doctor recommends the necessity of fasting before performing the surgery, but in fact, patients may suffer from a complete loss of appetite after this surgical procedure, as general anesthesia slows the metabolism process, in addition to medicines that may cause nausea, so doctors advise that Patients start their diet with clear liquids and then gradually develop the contents of the diet, in case the patient can do so without straining the digestive system, and through the following points the most important types of foods that can contribute to enhancing the healing process after surgery will be mentioned:

  • Eat omega-3 fatty acids: These acids control inflammation, as reducing the occurrence of infections in the body is an essential part of the healing process. omega-3 fatty acids in fish, such as herring, salmon, sardines, marcots, and tuna.
  • Taking antioxidants: Antioxidants combat substances that cause damage to tissues and cells of the body, especially after anterior cruciate ligament surgery. For example, rich foods can With Vitamin C To speed up the healing process by reducing inflammation and enhancing the general strength of the body.
  • Following a pattern of weight control: being overweight may place additional stress on the knee; This leads to an increase in the intensity of the physical therapy and rehabilitation sessions, so it is necessary to burn more calories, by reducing fat intake while practicing appropriate physical activity.

Recommendations for my lifestyle after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Here we will talk about the most important recommendations for my lifestyle after ACL reconstruction, as recovery after surgery may take some time, and the results of surgery may vary greatly from person to person, so the method that is followed as part of the lifestyle during the stage Recovery, it can make a big difference in the speed of the patient's return to standing on his feet again, and through the following points, the most important recommendations for a healthy lifestyle after this surgical procedure can be clarified, including: Take medications as prescribed by your doctor.

  • Use relaxation techniques, such as exercising, to help maintain a state of mind.
  • Get enough sleep.
