Benefits of orchid for fattening


Salep is originally a plant also called Salep Orchid. From this plant the root or tubers are used and grinded to produce a powder and when added to water, the orchid is used as medicine, as people take orchid to treat some digestive problems including the feeling of burning, flatulence , flatulence and indigestion, and orchid is also used to treat diarrhea , especially in children, but it should be noted that more evidence is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of orchid for these medicinal uses. On how the orchid works for its ability to treat these treatments, the orchid contains a mucus-like substance that may help calm the digestive system. As for the benefits of orchid for fattening specifically, the article will explain it. sup>

Benefits of orchid for fattening

Sahlab is a well-known original Turkish drink, which I attributed its name according to one of its main ingredients, which is Sahlab powder, which is also used to make ice cream. The hot Sahlab drink is characterized as a sticky milky drink and is usually prepared at home and is preferred by many, especially in the winter season. It is done by boiling the Sahlab powder and milk with sugar and served with a pinch of cinnamon. As for the benefits of Sahlab for fattening, it depends on the ingredients contained in this rich drink. The following points will explain how each ingredient affects fattening:

The effect of milk on fattening

Milk is a good source of calories, protein and other nutrients, so it is beneficial for those who are underweight and want to gain weight, and weight gain results from consuming more calories than you burn, and consuming milk, especially high-fat varieties, can provide additional calories in addition to Other nutrients, just as milk can help build muscle, the whey proteins and casein in cow's milk increase muscle mass instead of fat mass.

The effect of honey on fattening

Orchid is often sweetened with sugar, which is high in calories without adding any nutritional value to the body, but using honey which is rich in calories will provide the body with the required calories, estimated at about 64 calories per tablespoon in addition to providing The body has some important nutrients. In addition, it has an antibiotic-like antibacterial activity and can provide an alternative treatment against some pathogens.

The effect of nuts on fattening

Many types of nuts are added to the Sahlab, and the nuts contain multiple unsaturated fats that add healthy calories to the diet, which are additions that may be placed on the Sahlab drink. As for the types used, there are no restrictions and specific options where it can be eaten Almonds , walnuts, cashews, and more.

Does an orchid gain weight

The article talked about the benefits of orchid for fattening and how it can help in gaining weight for people who are underweight, but in this video therapeutic nutritionist Heba Lead answers the question: Does the orchid gain weight for people who are afraid to gain weight when consuming it, and the specialist also adds more Among the benefits that orchid powder provides to the human body:

References [+]

  1. "SALEP",, Retrieved 16-02-2020. Edited.
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  4. "Benefits of Honey for Gaining Weight",, Retrieved 17-02-2020. Edited.
  5. "8 Best Foods to Help You Gain Weight",, Retrieved 17-02-2020. Edited.
  6. "فيديو عن هل السحلب يزيد الوزن",, Retrieved 17-02-2020. Edited.
