How to regulate your calorie intake in Ramadan


Calories refer to the energy that a person gets from the food and drink that they consume, in addition to the energy that is used for physical activity. Knowing calories is very important for a person’s health to consume the correct amount of them without increasing or decreasing, and because of the change in the diet in Ramadan and the diversity of dishes It is necessary to know how to regulate the intake of calories in Ramadan to maintain a healthy weight. Each person’s need for daily energy or calories varies from person to person based on several factors, such as age, weight , height, Sex, level of physical activity, most people associate calories with food and drink, but in reality anything that contains energy contains calories, and there are two types of calories; Small calories; Calorie, which is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water, by one degree Celsius, and large calories, kilocalories, which is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water, one degree Celsius. [1 ]

How to regulate your calorie intake in Ramadan

Some nutritional behaviors change during Ramadan, and meal times and times change. The fasting person consumes two main meals, which are Suhoor and breakfast. The quantities of food consumed in Ramadan should not differ from other days. In Ramadan, to maintain health and activity away from lethargy and fatigue, prevent disease and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet

The diet during Ramadan should be a balanced food, rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Eating a balanced diet means eating foods from the five main groups, such as vegetables and fruits, lean proteins, dairy products and whole grains And others, and focus on complex carbohydrates in the holy month of Ramadan, in order to provide the body with energy for long periods without feeling tired and exhausted while meeting the basic needs of the fasting person without increasing or decreasing, because balanced food is the key to healthy fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.

Stay hydrated and drink more water

Mild dehydration may lead to fatigue, dry mouth, thirst , and headache. Therefore, it is necessary to drink an adequate amount of water, including at least eight cups, from after breakfast to the pre-dawn meal, and eat vegetables and fruits rich in water. Avoid salty and processed foods that increase the feeling of thirst during the day, to keep the body hydrated and so that the fasting person does not feel tired and lethargic.

Tips for a healthy diet during Ramadan

A healthy and balanced diet, which is organized according to the calories needed by each individual, with the selection of foods with high nutritional value rich in vitamins, minerals and minerals have several benefits, whether in the short or long term. The body must either fight infection or prevent long-term exposure to diseases. Such as diabetes, stress, obesity , heart disease and others. Therefore, some tips must be followed to be a lifestyle and lifestyle later in order to maintain healthy health through: sup>

  • Reducing salty and processed foods, as salt is a major factor in high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke , and not eating it above the permissible limit during the day by five grams, or about one teaspoon per day. / li>
  • Reduce the use of trans fats and oils, and replace them with the beneficial fats in olive oil, nuts and more.
  • Limit your intake of sugars in sweets, sodas, energy drinks, and more.

References [+]

  1. "How many calories do you need?",, Retrieved 19-4-2020. Edited.
  2. ^ أ ب "A guide to eating a balanced diet",, Retrieved 19-4-2020. Edited.
  3. "How to Fast Safely: 10 Helpful Tips",, Retrieved 19-4-2020. Edited.
  4. "5 tips for a healthy diet this New Year",, Retrieved 19-4-2020. Edited.
